
Here’s how the banking sector drives the economy  

Mon, Feb 06 2023 02:09 PM AEDT

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The banking sector is unquestionably the backbone of a nation’s financial structure. Banks help keep the wheels of the economy going by performing many crucial functions. Most of us would be familiar with the lending function of banks, but their role in the economy goes beyond that.  



Image Source: Pexels 


Think of it this way- the entire economy’s money is linked to the banking sector. So, each dollar in your wallet or your bank account is somehow generated, managed, and regulated by the banking industry, and in that way, the government accounts for it. 


This explains why robbers choose bank vaults as their “final heist” location. That is where they believe all the money is. But a more accurate description would be that banks hold a percentage of the money in all accounts as physical cash. The other part exists in electronic records and is not a tangible asset that can be stolen.  


A closer look reveals that banks are merely intermediaries in the overall financial structure. Part of their job is also regulating the monetary flow by keeping track of borrowers and helping move money across various economic segments. The more the difference between the interest rate banks pay the depositors and what they receive from borrowers, the more money banks make. Here is a closer look at the role of banks in the economy.


Economic development 


Mostly each of us operate a savings account with our bank, wherein we deposit our earned income. This saved money by thousands of account holders helps banks perform their primary function as a lender. Additionally, these savings are also helpful in mobilising funds across various sectors that require capital. In this way, a balanced flow of money allows simultaneous economic growth across various sections of the economy.  


Providing a higher standard of living 


Banks help facilitate some of the expenses that individuals may be unable to afford otherwise. Think of how many mortgages or car loans are taken out each year. All these loans help individuals live better life with more convenience.  



Image Source: Pexels 


Transmitting monetary policy 


Another crucial part played by commercial banks is passing on the monetary policy to the customers. Monetary policy is a mechanism the central bank uses to regulate money flow in the economy. Commercial banks facilitate a part of this transmission as they pass on interest rate changes to the consumers.     


A dependable source of finance 


Most organisations and individuals depend on banks for financial aid. However, if banks fail to perform this crucial function, there could be severe repercussions for the entire economy. This means that banks need a well-regulated environment that removes the possibility of failure. To ensure this, banks have specific capital and liquidity requirements that help them meet their current payment obligations. 


To conclude, the more developed a nation's banking system, the healthier that nation’s economic growth. 


You can learn more about banks and financial institutions through our specialised course on the subject- How Banks And Financial Markets Work.


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Here’s how the banking sector drives the economy  

Here’s how the banking sector drives the economy  

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